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Do not allow what is said about you to have any bearing on what you know about yourself

Updated: Aug 26, 2022

We all struggle in life. We struggle with reconciling the expectations of others against our personal desire and ambitions. We struggle with what is said about us versus what we know to be true about ourselves. We struggle with the perceived and the assigned value placed upon us (on the job, in relationships, etc.) with what we know to be our true self-worth. Life's struggles have one purpose. Struggles are designed to teach one lesson and one lesson only. Struggles are designed to take us on a journey. Struggles are designed not to teach us who we are; rather, they are designed to teach us who we are not. Struggles take us on the path of discovering. They form and shape self-identity. They force us to live our authentic life. Life struggles come to help us answer the questions, Who am I and Why do I exist?

I listen to Oprah Winfrey's Motivational Speeches. In one particular segment, she recalled the challenge of her legal struggle with the Texas cattle industry. As she reveals, the stress of the experience was personally and spiritually taxing- being accused by big money and big industry of something that just was not true. During the cross-examination and accusations, as she listened to all the untruths of the things being said about her- she became silent. She became still. She began to think introspectively. She began to weigh what was being said about her and her intentions against what she knew about herself. At that moment, she experienced calm, assurance, and confidence. She discovered- and we must all learn this lesson- that defending your authentic self is a waste of energy. We are not designed to live in a position of perpetual defense. No, life is to be lived in a posture of perpetual self-discovery. This is the eternal struggle, the battle that we all face.

How do we present our authentic selves in a world that attempts to guide our perspective? How do we navigate the signposts that go against our internal compass? How do we "go against the grain?". In essence, how do we discover Who We Are? Jay-Z is not Jay-Z because anyone says he is. Beyonce is not Beyonce anyone says she is. Mr. and Mrs. Carter are because they know they are. All we do, all the universe does, is affirm and confirm who we know we are. Money does not affirm anyone- it enhances our character. Power and position do not build character. Some of the most notorious, brutal, and corrupt people have been in the highest leadership position.

Do not allow life's struggles to be what others think, say, believe, or do. Do not even allow life's struggle to be how we respond to others. Instead, allow your journey to be one of perspective- personal and inward perspective. Be still. Listen to your inner voice. Live fearlessly- not recklessly, but fearlessly. Live without regard for the things that are said about or to you that are not aligned with what you know about yourself, what your inner self is telling you, and what you ultimately desire to become.

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1 Comment

Aug 26, 2022

Beautiful; thank you for sharing, Pauline!

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